In Sévigné et al. –vs-
Prud’homme et al. 2016 QCCS 6529, soil contamination was discovered five
years after the date of acquisition. The Buyer sued to cancel the sale or
reduce the price in order to offset clean-up costs in the amount of $125,000.
The Seller, in turn, sued his predecessor in title and so on up the chain of
title. There were 4 levels of incidental warranty actions.
At least two legal arguments, based on the following provisions
of the Quebec Civil Code, were raised by the buyers:
1725. The seller of an immovable warrants the buyer against any
violation of public law restrictions affecting the property which are
exceptions to the ordinary law of ownership.
The seller is not
bound to that warranty where he has given notice of these restrictions to the
buyer at the time of the sale, where a prudent and diligent buyer could have
discovered them by reason of the nature, location and use of the premises or
where such restrictions have been registered at the registry office.
1991, c. 64, a.
1725; I.N. 2014-05-01.
1726. The seller is bound to warrant the buyer that the property
and its accessories are, at the time of the sale, free of latent defects which
render it unfit for the use for which it was intended or which so diminish its
usefulness that the buyer would not have bought it or paid so high a price if
he had been aware of them.
The seller is not
bound, however, to warrant against any latent defect known to the buyer or any
apparent defect; an apparent defect is a defect that can be perceived by a
prudent and diligent buyer without the need to resort to an expert.
1991, c. 64, a.
1726; I.N. 2014-05-01.
The most recent sale took place in 2007. In 2012, there was
serious flooding in the basement after which, the owner noticed the presence of
noxious odours. Tests carried out in 2013 and 2014 confirmed the presence of
hydrocarbons in the soil. In 2015, an underground heating oil tank was
discovered which was believed to be the cause of the contamination.
Regarding Article 1725, the relevant “public law
restrictions” are environmental protection statutes and regulations. To
succeed, the buyer would have to establish that the contamination existed and
the environmental protection law was in effect at the time of the sale. If the
sale took place before the law came into effect, the buyer could not succeed on
this ground.
Article 1726 requires the buyer to prove that the defect
existed at the time of the sale; that the defect was not apparent; and that the
defect either rendered the property unfit for its intended use or significantly
diminished its usefulness to the extent that the buyer would not have bought it
or paid so high a price if he would have been aware of it.
Regarding the most recent sale (i.e. Plaintiff’s claim),
Article 1725 clearly applied. Article 1726 also applied since the presence of
soil contamination made the property unfit for its intended use, which was to
lease the property to earn rental income.
However, the outcome was different for the incidental
actions in warranty that were brought against prior owners. For some of them,
their purchases pre-dated the application of environmental statutes and regulations
so they could not rely on Article 1725.
In addition, the fact that the soil contamination was not
discovered until 2012 and had no palpable consequences before then was a bar to
the application of Article 1726 since the prior owners could not establish that
the latent defect (the soil contamination) diminished their use and enjoyment
of the property.